Thank You for the Liebster Award!

Leila, thank you for tagging me and giving me the Liebster Award. It’s a great honor. Also your blog is awesome!

Of course, I had to google up the Liebster Blog Award and what I found out is that it is actually a nice token of appreciation from bloggers to other bloggers with around 200 followers or less. The award recognizes the emerging bloggers and encourages them to get more recognition. The word “Liebster” comes from German language meaning beloved or dearest.  Naturally, there is a set of rules that come with the award:

The Rules:
1. Each blogger must post 11 things about themselves.
2. Answer the questions the tagger has set for you.
3. Create 11 questions for the bloggers you have tagged to answer.
4. Choose 11 people and link them in your post.
5. Go to their page and tell them.
6. No tag backs!
So, here I am excited to carry on the honor of presenting the Liebster award to some of my favorite bloggers, but first, I gotta share 11 things about myself:
1. I have a serious case of British invasion fever.
2. Washing dishes is my favorite chore. I think it’s because of all dishwashing I had to do as my punishment during the summer camps.
3. My hobbies include painting and jewelry-making.
4. I’m still not over the Olympics, so I’m reading Gold by Chris Cleave right now. So far so good.
5. Two things I must have daily: COFFEE and DARK CHOCOLATE!
6. I like to watch The Bachelor/ette. So what?
7. The Harper’s Bazaar and Elle are my fashion bibles.
8. I’m a proud child of Polish descendants.
9. I have one year old son who is an absolute joy in my life. He signs CHOO-CHOO for anything that has wheels. How can you not love that?
10. I love being near a body of water, especially ocean.
11. I meditate sometimes to de-stress. I strongly encourage people to try it.
Now to answer Leila’s questions:
1. What does your favorite pair of shoes look like? Describe them in detail and explain why they are your favorite. Take a picture, even!
I just bought my second pair of Vibram Five Fingers. I absolutely love them! I can’t imagine going back to regular sneakers again.
2. What is your all-time favorite movie, or the closest thing to it?
    That’s always a hard question for me since I don’t have any particular favorites. I like different movies for different reasons, but few of     them are impossible to forget like My Girl, the first movie I cried to ever. I was 8 years old at that time.
3. What is one thing people generally like to eat or drink, but you can’t stand?
     That’s easy, soda!
4. Why are you where you are right now?
     That’s a long story, but in a nutshell, what would you do in the name of love?
5. What is one guilty pleasure you would have a hard time giving up?
     Reading the tabloids. My favorite:
6. Favorite month of the year, and why?
     January because it’s beginning of the year, and all summer months because they are summer months!
7. One place you loved traveling to?
    Several, but I’ll have to say Costa Rica.
8. What is the one word in the English language that you absolutely love?
     Love. It’s a lovely word.
9. What are you reading now? Would you recommend it?
     I’m reading two books simultaneously- Gold by Chris Cleave and Burn Down to Ground by Kambri Crews. Both highly recommended.
10. When you just need a place to escape to, where do you go?
      Somewhere with trees and grasses.
11. What physical trait do you have that makes you you?
      I have a couple of scars on my left knee.
My nominations:
Your 11 questions:
1. How was your summer?
2. Any exciting plans until December?
3. Who’s your favorite author and why?
4. What’s on your must watch movies list?
5. What is your favorite era in history and why?
6. What’s the most memorable place you have been to? Why?
7. Which do you prefer to live, on the mountain or by the ocean? Why?
8. What is your beauty routine?
9. When do you feel most beautiful?
10. What is the last thing you do before you shut your eyes for the night?
11. What is one thing you MUST do before you die?
Good night!


  1. pacmanlace · September 6, 2012

    I have been meaning to try the Finger shoes! Rex looks adorable in that photo, too 🙂

    I love your questions 8-9– I hope your taggers will do this because I’m curious what their answers would be! Really enjoyed reading this. Keep bloging.

  2. Kristy · September 6, 2012

    Washing dishes–have to second you on that especially that one summer, it contained of you and me. 🙂
    And yesss, burn down the ground was amazing–I worked there so I understood–so am glad u are reading or already did. Gives you alittle idea of what goes on there.
    Again, loving your blogs. By the way, cuttte son! 🙂

    • Bellamie · September 12, 2012

      Of course that was unforgettable week! It’ll be a quite story to tell our kids, ha! Thanks. 😉

  3. Janis · September 8, 2012

    Nice! Thanks for the nomination! 🙂 I haven’t been blogging much tho but will definitely get to your questions soon. I love your blog too! Looking forward to seeing your film turn into reality! ox

    • Bellamie · September 12, 2012

      Thanks! By the way congrats on the beautiful addition to your family! 🙂

  4. Rosa Lee · September 8, 2012

    Haha! Sorry about the previous post – was logged in a wrong wordpress account. That post was from me, Rosa Lee – not Janis. I think I need more sleep. 🙂

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